Chairman of District Council of Riviere du Rempart.
Dear Residents,
Thank you for visiting the District Council of Riviere Du Rempart’s website.
It is with great humility that I have assumed the Chairmanship of this Council on 08th June 2017.
As the new Chairperson of this Council, I am determined to press ahead with confident and anchored steps to ensure that the Council delivers an outstanding and innovative services, hence making life better for everyone in District of Riviere Du Rempart.
The Council’s enthusiasm to respond to the needs of the communities we serve is at the core of our accomplishment.
What we can do individually is important. What we can do together is incredible, and I am incredibly proud to be part of a legacy of man building a better Mauritius.
Our community is the heart of our district. We value our natural and rural environment and through leadership and community spirit we make every effort to accomplish a constructive, safe and viable future.
I also hope that you will not hesitate to contact myself or members of our Administrative team for any additional information you may need. We welcome your suggestions and comments as we continue to fulfill our mission of delivering premier services to residents in a collective and creative environment!